Windows on My Work

When Life Turns Upside Down

When Life Turns Upside Down

When Life Turns Upside Down

I’ve mentioned my friend, John A. (Jay) Younts once or twice before (you could read the post HERE) and it’s a special delight that he resides not too far away from where I live in the upstate of South Carolina. Jay has contributed extensively to the Shepherd Press blog over many years. He and I share much the same kind of worldview, seeing all of life as belonging to God, and the direct involvement of God in day-to-day events.

With what we are now thinking of as the new normal, the advent of the corona virus, I was in discussion with friends at Shepherd Press about how we might be able to provide a resource that would meaningfully address this situation. Enthusiastically and unhesitatingly, Dr. Tedd Tripp saw the importance of the idea. “Ask Jay,” he guided me. “He could do this.” An email or two later, and Jay had confirmed that he would do it, requesting prayer for the project. And it made good sense for Tedd to contribute the foreword to the book!

Over the next few days, as he was writing the first draft, we kicked around some prospective titles, soon settling on When Life Turns Upside Down: Finding Stability through God’s Comforting Peace. The table of contents maps out nicely what is in the small book:

Foreword: An Upside-Down World
Introduction: Prayer Keeps Life Right-Side Up
Who Controls Tomorrow: Do Humans Control Tomorrow?
When Life Turns Upside Down: The Power of the Earthquake
The Fear Factor: Fear and Emotional Protection
The Dangerous Blame Game: The Game That Comes Naturally
Understanding the Fall: The Groaning Creation
Perspective: Throughout History, God Remains Faithful to His Promise
When Upside Down is Really Right-Side Up: So There Is Good News!
The Gospel is Your Anchor: The Lord Renews Your Strength
Your Future Is Secure: Death Is Swallowed Up in Victory
Appendix 1: Teach Your Children to Live Right-Side Up
Appendix 2: Comfort for Your Community

It was an interesting exercise figuring out what kind of cover design would work best for the project. Thankfully, there were various people on Facebook who shared what they liked, or did not like, about various proposed cover options!

My view is that this is a vitally important little resource to put in people’s hands. It’s available as an eBook, and coming soon–within a week or so–as a mini-book paperback of 88 pages. It’s easy enough to read in one sitting of under one hour, but also full of biblical content and application to life. Get one for you and your family, and several copies for your neighbors, friends, and work associates. Be sure to check out the Shepherd Press site to find out more about the book and the discounted offers HERE or read some pages from the book HERE.


Over the years, Jay Younts has been my personal Gandalf, my Mr. Miagi, my Paul. With fatherly wisdom and genuine care, Jay offers us this prayerful life-guide, showing us how to live life from God’s perspective and not our own, keeping us right-side up in a world that feels upside down.
Kirk Cameron: Actor, Film Producer

Younts turns our attention to hope found in the mercy of God and the provision he has made for mankind in the sinless life and sacrificial death of his Son, Jesus Christ. This book will provide encouragement and hope in these scary times.
Dr. Tedd Tripp: Author, Pastor, Conference Speaker

About Jay Younts

John A. (Jay) Younts is the author of this book as well as other materials on parenting and the Christian life. He is an experienced blogger, having served Shepherd Press in this capacity for several years. He has been teaching and speaking on current issues for over thirty years. He serves as a ruling elder at Redeemer Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Moore, South Carolina. He and his late wife, Ruth, have five adult children.

Follow Jay on Social Media
YouTube Channel: EverydayTalk 24/7
Twitter: @wordsmatter247


Posted by Jim Holmes in Current Issues, Gospel, New & Noteworthy, Publishing Books Today, Windows on My Work, Worldview, Writing, 0 comments
Where Shepherds Meet

Where Shepherds Meet

Where Shepherds Meet

It’s been several years since it was last opportune for me to attend the Shepherds’ Conference, an annual event held at the Grace Community Church (pastor-teacher, John MacArthur) just outside of Los Angeles, but it happened again this year. A book that guided through the editing and production process for Shepherd Press, Seven Key Principles for Effective Ministry (subtitled Nurturing Thriving Churches in a Postmodern Culture) was selected for promotion and giveaway, and so the publisher was invited to attend and also make available other resources on offer.

At the last minute, my good friend Anthony Russo, also from Greenville SC, was able to attend, so we had a blast as we traveled, encouraged each other along the way, engaged with others, shared the gospel, and enjoyed the fine hospitality of the members and friends of Grace Community Church.

Being the year 2020, it seemed fitting that the conference theme picked up on the idea of having perfect (2020) vision–in a nutshell: Doctrinal Clarity for a Confused Generation. The mission statement provides a succinct generic introduction to the event:

The mission of the Shepherds’ Conference is to provide the opportunity for men in church leadership to be challenged in their commitment to biblical ministry and to find encouragement as together we seek to become more effective servants of our chief Shepherd.

Anthony and I enjoyed meeting with hundreds of men who minister not only in North America, but around the world. Enjoy viewing the dozen or so pictures below!

Posted by Jim Holmes in Friendship, Memories, Networking, Publishing Books Today, Reflections, Spirituality, Windows on My Work, 0 comments
“My Name Shall Be Great Among the Nations”

“My Name Shall Be Great Among the Nations”

“My Name Shall Be Great Among the Nations”

The quote is from Malachi 1:11, a declaration by the LORD (Jehovah) of Hosts–the God of the armies of heaven and earth. It’s a declaration of certainty and fact, not a wish or a whimper. It’s as certain as certain can be!

When I was approached late last year by a representative of The Master’s Academy International with a view to helping produce a book of daily readings, I was immediately excited and energized by the prospect. The ministry has numerous staff and graduates in far-flung parts of the world, and each with a conviction and burden to make Christ’s name great in the location in which he serves.

Enjoy reading and reflecting on the reading for January 10 from a brother serving in South Africa

January 10

Kind in Heart, Humble in Spirit

To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit
1 Peter 3:8

David Beakley: Christ Seminary | South Africa

Loving and caring for others is a difficult task. It is even worse when it is a command and the “others” don’t particularly care for your love. But when it is done out of joy, the world takes note. When Peter told his readers “to sum up” in this verse, he was summing up his instructions that were very pointed and directed toward fellow believers in submitting to bad governments, bad employers, and bad marital relationships. And, if that were not bad enough, Peter gave this call of submission to people who were already suffering and experiencing persecution for their faith! How is this possible?

South Africa is a very complex country, with a complex history that has been checkered with oppression, strife, and hypocrisy—largely in the name of the “state” church, which at the time was professing evangelical. In 1994, the government changed and the servant was now the master. Needless to say, there was a backlash against “White Christianity.” But, when a student-pastor from Christ Seminary understood these words from Peter, and saw a converted “enemy” from the previous regime, he went to meet his foe only to discover a brother. After they discovered and rejoiced in their “unity of mind,” they both preached together in a Township church to a full house.

The result was a testimony that resounded throughout the country. A secular and polarized culture was now hearing—and intrigued by—the gospel message of peace from two unlikely brothers.

How might you demonstrate loving submission, kindness of heart, and humility of spirit to those around you today?

Did you enjoy reading this excerpt? You may purchase the physical book on Amazon HERE or the Kindle version HERE.

Featured Image: A beautiful landscape panorama that has been used for the cover of the book.

Posted by Jim Holmes in Gospel, Guest Post, Publishing Books Today, Reflections, Spirituality, Windows on My Work, Writing, 0 comments
God, Evil, and Suffering: The Crucifixion

God, Evil, and Suffering: The Crucifixion

God, Evil, and Suffering: The Crucifixion

The post below is excerpted from God, Evil, and Suffering: Understanding God’s Role in Tragedies and Atrocities, a mini-book written by Dr. David A. Harrell, and published in the Compact Expository Pulpit Series, an imprint of Great Writing Publications and joint venture with Shepherd’s Fire Ministries.

Dave is currently the senior pastor-teacher of Calvary Bible Church where he has served since 1994. After attending the Moody Bible Institute, he graduated from Grace College, Grace Theological Seminary, and the Omega (formerly Oxford) Graduate School where he earned the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the Integration of Religion and Society. He is a former Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling at the Master’s University, Santa Clarita, CA., and founder of Shepherd’s Fire, the mass communication arm of his ministry. He and his wife, Nancy, have three children and seven grandchildren.

Many thanks to Dave for contributing this post. Readers are welcome to share this provided they include the content at the beginning and end of this post.

The Tragedy and Atrocity of the Crucifixion of Christ

Reflecting once again upon my short conversation with the Sunday School class, it was obvious to each of them that indeed the crucifixion of Christ was the greatest of all evils; that God was more, not less, glorified because of it and, as a result, sinners are able to experience more, not less, happiness. But several in the class struggled, and understandably so, with the idea of God’s providential working in the lives of evil men who, by His sovereign decree, independently chose by their own free will to act wickedly in participating in heinous acts. Most indicated that they had never thought about it that way.

Obviously, none of what happened caught God by surprise nor were the choices of those wicked men a violation of His sovereign will. This was evident in the prayer of Peter and John when they stated, “For truly in this city there were gathered together against Your holy servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose predestined to occur” (Acts 4:27).

Every Christian would do well to remember that the Father’s wrath of judgment against sin was poured out upon His Son and our substitute, Jesus Christ. Notwithstanding the responsibility of wicked men who cried out for Him to be crucified, Peter made it clear that God ordained His murder when he said, “this Man, delivered up by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death” (Acts 2:23).

What an amazing concept: Jesus willingly chose to suffer and die on a cross because God ordained Him to do so. He was delivered up by the “predetermined plan.” The word predetermined is the Greek word horizo, meaning “to mark out a boundary beforehand,” from which we get our English word horizon. The word plan translates the Greek word boule used in Scripture to describe God’s will of purpose; that which He has designed, ordained, or decreed in eternity past. Sometimes this is referred to as His decretive or sovereign will. So Peter is literally saying that our sovereign God decreed that Jesus would die on the cross; it was His predetermined plan.

Furthermore, he attributes His sacrificial death to the “foreknowledge of God.” The word foreknowledge is the Greek word prognosis meaning “to foreordain”—a meaning that far exceeds the English concept of merely knowing something ahead of time. Moreover, grammatically speaking, since the term is in the instrumental dative case, it must be understood that Peter was actually saying, “It was God’s foreknowledge (foreordination) that was the sole cause or the means by which the men nailed Him to a cross.” Stated simply, Jesus did exactly what God ordained Him to do, yet those who called for His death and hung Him on the tree were responsible for His murder. Here again we see not only the mysterious convergence of God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility, but also God deliberately ordaining an evil event to exist as a part of His plan and purpose to glorify Himself—the greatest act of evil in all of history: the murder of Jesus Christ.

Unlike the misguided musings of the Sunday School class, the testimony of Scripture plainly reveals that God is indeed sovereign over His creation. And though He is never responsible for sin, He does bring it about through the voluntary choices of men and He holds them accountable for their actions. Moreover, not only is God removed from actually doing evil, but never do we find an instance in Scripture of any act of evil surprising God and requiring Him to react with a “Plan B.”

In light of all this, it is obvious that no example can be found supporting the Arminian notion that God merely allowed the possibility for evil to exist in order to give His creatures freedom of choice, thereby guaranteeing that man’s choices would always be meaningful, as some would suggest. Instead, we see a sovereign God orchestrating His universe through the use of both good and evil.

This excellent little book (and several others in the series) may be purchased from online vendors such as Amazon HERE or directly from the author HERE.

Posted by Jim Holmes in Gospel, Guest Post, New & Noteworthy, Publishing Books Today, Theology, Windows on My Work, 0 comments
He To Rescue Me from Danger Interposed His Precious Blood

He To Rescue Me from Danger Interposed His Precious Blood

It’s a delight to share the labors of faithful authors. Roger Ellsworth is one such author, gifted with the ability to write seriously yet simply, and opening the Scriptures in a way that children as well as adults can understand. This guest post draws material from Roger’s Big Book of Coffee Cup Meditations, a book recently published, and available from bookstores or Amazon worldwide. More info HERE.

“He, to Rescue Me from Danger,
Interposed His Precious Blood”

From God’s Word, the Bible…

And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.
1 Peter 1:17-20

Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood. . .
(Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Robert Robinson, 1758)

These words take us to the heart of Christ’s saving work on behalf of His people. It was a matter of Jesus interposing His blood! That act of interposition makes His blood precious to every believer.

More about that in a moment! First, let’s think about that word “danger.” Frightening word! When we hear the word “danger,” we tend to think of the people and the things that threaten our wellbeing and happiness in this world. There is no shortage of them.

There is, however, another type of danger which is much worse than any posed by this temporal realm. It is the danger of experiencing the wrath of God in eternity. People these days like to play down that danger, but no fair reading of the Bible will allow us to do so. All are agreed that the Old Testament places a heavy emphasis on the matter, but we must not think that the teaching of God’s wrath is confined there. The same teaching is evenly distributed throughout the New Testament. It is in the Gospels (Matt. 3:12; 7:13-14; 22:13-14; 23:33; 25:30,41,46; Mark 9:42-29; Luke 16:19-31; John 3:36), in the epistles of Paul (Rom. 1:18-19; 2:5; 3:5; 4:15; 12:19; Eph. 2:3; 5:6), and in the other epistles as well (Heb. 10:27; 12:25-29; James 5:9; 1 Peter 4:17-18; 2 Peter 2:4-9).

It is the dominant theme of the book of Revelation (Rev. 6:16-17; 11:18; 14:10,19; 15:1,7; 16:1,19; 19:15; 20:11-15; 21:8; 22:11,15).

And for those who blissfully say: “Just give me the loving God of John 3:16,” the wrath of God is powerfully present in the word “perish” which is mentioned in that very verse.

We will never understand Christianity until we realize that it is all about rescuing people from this danger! Jesus came to this world for the express purpose of dealing with that danger.

God is holy. He cannot merely ignore our sins as if they never happened. He has to pronounce a sentence on them and also has to carry out that sentence. What is His sentence on our sins? It is His wrath, which is eternal separation from Himself in hell.

The glory of Christianity is that Jesus on the cross took the wrath that we deserve for our sins. There He “interposed” or inserted His blood between the wrath of God and guilty sinners. The word “blood” means that He poured out His life in death. To say He interposed His blood is to say He interposed Himself. On the cross He took the position between the wrath of God and guilty sinners. The wrath fell on Him, and there is now no wrath left for all who repent of their sins and trust in Him. John 3:36 puts it perfectly: “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

But how could Jesus in the space of the six hours that He was on the cross (from 9:00 in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon) receive an eternity’s worth of the wrath of God for all sinners who believe in Him? The answer lies in the special nature of Jesus. He was no ordinary man. He was the God-man, fully God, fully man at one and the same time. As God, He was an infinite person, and as an infinite person, He could receive in a finite length of time an infinite measure of wrath. In other words, Jesus as an infinite person could receive in a finite measure of time what we as finite people would receive in an infinite measure of time.

When we truly understand what Jesus did on the cross for sinners, we gladly respond to Robert Robinson’s phrase “precious blood” with a hearty “Yes!”

Posted by Jim Holmes in Current Issues, Friendship, Gospel, New & Noteworthy, Publishing Books Today, Reflections, Spirituality, Theology, Windows on My Work, Writing, 0 comments
Anyone Can Be an Author

Anyone Can Be an Author

Anyone Can Be an Author

Does that sound strange?

In my experience, almost everyone has a story to tell. But many people need help in coaxing the story to come out the right way. And then there are the others who have no difficulty in getting the story out, but they need some help in preparing the book for publication.

Amazon offers some remarkable tools to this end. It has been my pleasure to help in two projects in recent months where authors have elected to publish on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing model. (KDP used to be called CreateSpace, but was renamed.) Simply stated, the program works something like this:

  • You already have an account with Amazon; to this, you add your bank details so that you may collect payment for sales of your forthcoming book(s).
  • You have prepared a book and your material is edited and ready for publication.
  • You upload the typeset text (or eBook) per Amazon’s requirements.
  • You upload the cover (specifications are given where necessary).
  • Some internal checks are run within the Amazon system; you have to wait patiently, but not for long!
  • Your book goes live and people from all around the world can buy or download a copy. All the revenues that come from this are yours to keep, though you have to be proactive in thinking of ways to stimulate the sales of your publications.

Authors have the choice of preparing an eBook first, or a print book first. I prefer to prepare the print book first and then create an eBook permutation.

Because some of the steps require particular care and professional expertise and experience, I either offered (or was asked) to help in the instances of the books below.


God’s Timing: A Journey of Discovery … And Eventual Healing (Janet E. Green)

Amazon Info HERE

Lucy has suffered a crushing sorrow and now, to her, the world seems to be a place of chaos and disharmony. She is convinced that she or her family will sooner or later be caught up in some disaster and longs to know what the future holds so that she can be prepared. Although she is holidaying in one of the most beautiful places in the world, her dark thoughts drag her down to the point where she is almost overwhelmed. Is it by sheer coincidence that she is introduced to someone who has the knowledge and absolute proof of what the future holds? Lucy finds herself going on a journey of discovery that almost blows her mind. And at the end of her holiday, there is one last surprise. . .

Janet Green has enjoyed writing novels for a number of years. She was born and brought up in Kenya, East Africa, and also lived in central and southern Africa for many years. Now living in England, she draws on her memories of Africa, where her heart still remains, for inspiration. Most of the books she writes are sagas and some of them are seasoned by her strong Christian beliefs. You can find out more about Janet Green by visiting her website and blog at

It was fun to prepare a publisher identity for this book–Habari Publications–in keeping with the African theme and identity of Janet Green’s writing and other publications.


Martyn Ellsworth is a gifted writer whose imagination takes readers into historical fiction.

Journey to Prea: The Judayon Saga: Book 1 (Martyn Ellsworth)

Amazon info HERE

After years of darkness and foreign rule, the High King of Judayon prepares to bring about the long-awaited Restoration which will usher in a new era of freedom for his people. Expectations among Judayon’s faithful are raised as a man named Rulorn begins to proclaim the truth of the High King. In the capital city of Tamaton, four young people, Morikahn, Valroff, Razna, and Eramin, discover that the momentous events of their day will not leave them untouched. Amidst sweeping changes in the land, their lives will be imperiled, their friendship will be tested, and they will find themselves playing a role in the unfolding drama that they never envisioned.Journey to Prea is a work of Christian fiction inspired by the events of the Protestant Reformation.

Martyn Ellsworth is a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he has served as a pastor for several years. He and his wife Rebekah are homeschooling their two young children. He enjoys listening to hymns and to sermons by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. He also loves to read The Chronicles of Narnia and books on theology and history. The Protestant Reformation and World War II are areas of particular interest to him.

It was also fun to prepare a publisher identity for this book–Old Pathways Publications–in keeping with the more old world feel and context of Martyn’s writings.

Cover design and identity is key in these kinds of projects and I am thankful for the authors and their creative input into determining how best to put together the various elements that were used! In particular, God’s Timing involved merging and airbrushing several elements into a composite graphic…

Featured Image: A CorelDraw screenshot from the preparation of the cover of God’s Timing. I have used Corel for many years and find it a versatile program for this kind of work.

Posted by Jim Holmes in Creativity and Aesthetics, Family and Friends, Heritage, Windows on My Work, Writing, 0 comments
Some 2019 Projects in Review

Some 2019 Projects in Review

Some 2019 Projects in Review

The year has been one of steady focus on numerous editing, production, and publishing projects. Here, in no particular order of priority, are some insights into them…and this is by no means an exhaustive list!

Devotional Poems

IMMANUEL: Poems and Meditations on the Life of Jesus: This is the second in a series of Christmas books produced for EvangAlliance Publications, an 80 page full color cloth-bound book (with loose dust jacket), with beautiful poems and is truly a magnificent production. It is a companion to a book we worked on last year, INCARNATION Poems, also by poet Tom Worth. See more HERE.

The One Anothers of the New Testament

31 Ways to be a One Another Christian An email from Dr. Stuart Scott initiated this one. He and Andrew Jin had been working on a script that teased out the implications of what the New Testament has to say about “one another.” Would Shepherd Press be interested, he asked? Of course! The year was well progressed, and an ACBC deadline for launching the book was approaching with uncomfortable rapidity, so we accelerated the editing and production and were able to launch this excellent book in October. More info HERE.

365 Plus…

Daily Readings books have a special place in my heart. There are two that have been under my purview this year, both relatively late in the year.

The first is a compilation of the wonderful My Coffee Cup Meditations books by Roger Ellsworth and family. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to get all twelve of these volumes into one big book. And the name that came to mind was simply The Big Book of Coffee Cup Meditations. It is truly a magnificent book, cloth-bound, nearly 800 pages in length. Roger writes on the back cover as follows:

Early mornings are very predictable for lots and lots of Christians. Roll out of bed, turn on the coffee pot, pour a cup, settle into a favorite chair and enjoy what is called “the daily devotional.” This usually consists of reading a passage from the Bible and a selection from a daily readings book. It concludes with prayer.

Believers who follow this pattern can go through a good number of devotional readings as the years go by. So they are always looking for new material—something to go along with their Bible and their coffee.

Hoping that I could be helpful in supplying the need for more of these kinds of readings, I gathered up some articles I had written and put them in a book—A Dog and a Clock. The idea was to supply brothers and sisters in Christ with enough devotions to carry them through one month. That quickly led to another book—The Thumbs Up Man—to carry “devotion-doers” through another month—and so on.

You can guess what happened after three or four books came out. There are twelve months in the year. So why not provide enough books to cover a year? Well, off we went and out the books came until there were finally twelve! Since these books were designed to go with the Bible and a good cup of coffee, it seemed right to call them My Coffee-Cup Meditations. Here are all twelve books in one big volume—372 readings in total!

More information HERE.

A good friend and former colleague connected me with new friends in TMAI–The Masters Academy International–in California who were in the final stages of preparing a large devotional book with multiple authors for publication. Would I help guide it through the process? The timing was tight, but the outcome is a beautiful (nearly 400 page) book, Declaring His Glory among the Nations. An edition of this book is available on Amazon HERE.

Esther: For Such a Time as This

Colin Mercer labored faithfully in Greenville, SC, for about a decade. I got to know him and appreciate his preaching at Faith Free Presbyterian Church. Friends there, Charles and Verta Koelsch, worked tirelessly on Colin’s sermon notes to prepare a very useful book on God’s care and providence as seen in the Old Testament book of Esther–with the title For Such a Time as This: The Sovereignty and Goodness of God in the Book of Esther. The outcome is a beautifully produced book of 176 pages. An edition of this book is available on Amazon HERE.

Tennessee Author Friends

Reggie Weems is a good friend in ministry in Eastern Tennessee, and we just released an excellent introduction to C.S. Lewis. In his series of “Ten Things About…”, the new The Man Who Made Narnia is a welcome addition to a man whose influence is truly remarkable. Also in preparation for 2020 is Good, But not Safe. The first title is available on Amazon HERE.

Dave Harrell, also a pastor in Tennessee, wrote a very good book on pastoral leadership. It was my pleasure to guide this through the editing and publishing process at Shepherd Press early in 2019. Soon after this was complete, Dave reached out to me with the thought of how his ministry, Shepherds Fire, could publish mini-books. After conferring on some strategic options, we came up with the idea of “The Compact Expository Pulpit Commentary Series,” small books of around 88 pages, each one packing a powerful punch in terms of both content and application. You can read more about Dave and his ministry HERE and obtain his books on Amazon as follows:

  • God, Evil, and Suffering HERE
  • God’s Gracious Gift of Assurance HERE
  • Our Sin and the Savior HERE

South African Connections

Dr. Francois Carr is based in Pretoria, South Africa, and has a global ministry in calling people to Christ and a consecrated walk with Him. One of his earlier books, Lead Your Family in Worship, had gone out of print. Francois reached out to me with the question: How could this book be brought back into print? Well, we found a way! We did a couple of prototype runs and the book has a few tweaks to go, and we expect to launch the agreed final version early in 2020. 

“It is an old but good saying that families which pray together stay together. This refreshingly up-to-date book on family worship is a valuable contribution to a much-neglected area of Christian practice. May God be pleased to bless its teaching to many.”–Rev. Maurice Roberts: Minister, Free Church of Scotland Continuing, Inverness, Scotland

The contents for Francois’ book are good for whetting the appetite:

1: A Forgotten Command of God
2: Why is Family Worship Necessary? (A)
3: Why is Family Worship Necessary? (B)
4: Why Don’t Families Worship Together Anymore?
5: Common Excuses for Not Having Family Worship
6: How Do I Prepare Myself and My Family for Worship?
7: How Do We Worship as a Family?
8: What are the Foundations of Family Worship?
9: A Final Encouragement
Appendix 1: Where Do I Start?
Appendix 2: Suggested Format for Family Worship
Appendix 3: Suggesed Format for Family Worship
Appendix 4: An Example of Family Worship

The Man in the Gap Martin Holdt was my pastor for many years in South Africa. A good and godly man, the story of his life is more than worthy of being told. Friends Rex and Esta Jefferies in South Africa have labored hard to prepare a biography, and they and I have been exchanging files for a couple of years or more to get the text prepared for publication. We anticipate launching this book in the first quarter of 2020. Dr. Joel Beeke in the Foreword describes this as a “must-read” book!

Here are three fragments from Dr. Beeke’s  Foreword

I love good biographies of godly men. They are so stimulating, convicting, edifying, moving, challenging, and alluring. This is one of those biographies. It is a “must read” book—one that is so true to a godly pastor who lived, by God’s grace, wholly for Christ and out of love for the souls of people.

Martin Holdt was one of the very best friends in Christ Jesus that I have ever had. He was also one of the most godly people I have ever known. When he died so suddenly in the last week of 2011, I grieved as if I had lost a brother—because I did. He was like an older brother to me.

Read this book prayerfully, meditatively, and slowly. I pray God that Martin Holdt’s life story will move you to follow him insofar as he followed Christ.

Posted by Jim Holmes, 0 comments