Ages Past and Years to Come

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O God, our help in ages past
Our hope for years to come
Our shelter from the stormy blast
And our eternal home
Isaac Watts’ memorable words come to mind as we near the end of a year.
We love the Christmas season. It is so opportune to think of God’s goodness throughout the year gone past, and to be thankful for a new year in prospect.
It’s been my practice over several years to generate an illustrated newsletter, and I normally email this to friends and family members. I firmly believe that a picture is worth more than just a few words. This year, I am making it available online for you to view here.
Blast from the Past
While I was preparing this post, I hunted down some newsletters from the previous years, and it was fun (for me, that is!) to consider the various illustrated newsletters since 2003. You may view them by clicking on the links below. So, go on and dip into these archives… Enjoy!
Holmes Family Newsletter 2006
Holmes Family Newsletter 2007
Holmes Family Newsletter 2008
Holmes Family Newsletter 2009
Holmes Family Newsletter 2010
Holmes Family Newsletter 2011
Holmes Family Newsletter 2012
Holmes Family Newsletter 2013
Holmes Family Newsletter 2014
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