Why Focus on a Friend?
My service of editing and helping people develop an online presence introduces me to some delightful people. In serving them, it is my privilege to have made new friends over the years, so I thought it would be good from time to time to point the camera, as it were, on some of them, and the excellent ministries that they themselves conduct.
Glenda Hotton
In this post, I would like to introduce Glenda. I first became aware of her when my good friend, Dr. Paul Tautges, began recruiting authors for a series of booklets he and I were spearheading, Day One’s Living in a Fallen World resources, now available as the Lifeline Mini-Books from Shepherd Press.
Glenda’s little book, then titled Help! I Can’t Submit to My Husband, posed some challenges when it came to finding an appropriate cover image. We wanted something that communicated “Hey! You must read this” but the matter of perceived relevance played an arpeggio in the orchestra of our thinking. We even considered a 1940s monochromatic image with a humorous visual hint of “Surely this kind of idea is old fashioned and you can’t be serious to bring this into Christian teaching today!”
Well, we persevered, and eventually found an image that worked–and it wasn’t the monochrome one! And if you would like to see what the Shepherd Press version is going to look like, take a look here for a preview!
Times change, and with the end of my former employers’ presence in the USA, a new strategy was developed; hence the Shepherd Press initiative. In this, I came to have more direct dealings with Glenda, especially when she commissioned me to take charge of some developments in her online strategy. The outcome? Find out here by visiting her site!
Practical Godliness
Glenda is a delightful lady who cherishes and makes the most of every opportunity to inculcate a spirit of practical godliness on the part of the women whom she mentors. A member of Grace Community Church, Sun Valley (John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher there), she teaches regularly at the Master’s College.
Being a Help Meet
The term help meet sounds a little old fashioned to some people, but it articulates a wonderful truth from creation, how it was that the first woman, Eve, was to be a helper suitable to and corresponding to her husband, Adam. Glenda loves to tease out the practical implications of this in her writing and speaking ministry, and her blog is replete with thoughts, biblical principles, and lines of application to her readers. If you are a woman seeking guidance on how to grow on grace and godliness in the area of womanliness and in the service of marriage and motherhood, Glenda has so much to offer.
Inculcating a spirit of grace in others comes so easily and naturally to Glenda, as she models it herself. Having seen so much of her material in working with her in building her website, I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed in reading her writings and considering her points of application. You will find her an excellent mentor!
Glenda’s Resources
Glenda offers various downloads, some for free, others for a small payment. You might like to check out her free audio message here. And there is also a downloadable PDF study guide to go with it here.
Whether you are the mother of a young daughter (and would like to help her to grow into a gracious young woman who understands social etiquette), whether you are a young bride, or whether you are a seasoned mom and grandmother, you will find helpful ideas and principles on Glenda’s site to guide, challenge and inspire you! And, if you respond to any of her posts, I know she will be delighted to engage with you.
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