Gospel Hero of Hijacked Flight 961

Being Instant In Season and Out of Season

Being ready to testify for Christ is something we should be ready to do, even at a moment’s notice. Who knows when we might be called to a sudden and catastrophic event? How many people on German Wings Flight 9525 were ready and prepared for the sudden end that came upon them?

Titanics_Last_HeroThe story of the Titanic’s last hero is well known. John Harper was a passenger on board the luxury liner who loved Jesus and knew the fear of the Lord. He was also ready to depart this life at a moment’s notice. He gave up his life vest to another passenger floundering in the icy waters of the North Atlantic. And he urged his fellow strugglers, who were battling the waves, to call upon the name of the Lord. Even in those moments, the gospel call was going out! The story is told in the book, The Titanic’s Last Hero, by Moody Adams.

At over 20,000 feet…

Image from http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/

A similar incident came to my attention earlier. A news and prayer update from Franklin Graham of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association recounts an incident from 1996 when three hijackers seized control of an Ethiopian Airlines flight, attempting to force the pilots to fly to Australia, notwithstanding the fact that the aircraft, a Boeing 767, had fuel only enough for not more than one or two thousand miles. With the fuel now all depleted, the aircraft rapidly lost altitude and glided for between thirty and forty miles. Guided skilfully to an emergency water landing by the captain, Leul Abate, an experienced pilot, the plane came down smoothly at 200 miles per hour, but cartwheeled when one of its engine pods snagged a submerged coral reef off the Comoros Islands. Of the 175 people on board, 125 perished, many of then drowning as they were unable to exit the submerged plane wearing inflated life-jackets.

A Call at the Brink of Eternity

But just before their exit from this world to the next, they heard the wonderful old story of God’s love and grace, recounted urgently to them by a Kenya-based missionary, Andy Meakins, a passenger on the plane. Let Franklin Graham take up the story:

Andy Meakins was a gentle giant of the faith, an Englishman who loved Jesus Christ and served Him in Africa for many years. In 1996 an Ethiopian Airlines flight was hijacked and crashed into the ocean just off the Comoros Islands after running out of fuel—you may have heard the story. The dramatic moment of impact was caught on home video and broadcast around the world. Only later did we learn of something even more dramatic happening in the cabin as the plane headed for disaster.

Andy Meakins and his wife were on that plane, seated together. The hijackers demanded to be flown to Australia even though there wasn’t nearly enough fuel for that distance. As they neared the Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean, one engine flamed out, and the pilot told passengers that the remaining engine would soon run out of fuel as well. Immediately, Andy’s wife heard the snap of a seatbelt being unbuckled and turned to see her husband stand up.

“Many of us might die in this crash,” he called out, “so there’s something you need to know.” Andy then began explaining the Gospel simply and urgently, moving to each part of the cabin so that everyone would hear. He invited people to place their trust in Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. A flight attendant heard Andy’s words, bowed her head, and asked Jesus to forgive her sins and come into her heart. She watched many more respond and, along with another survivor, later told the story. Of the 175 people on board, 125 died, including Andy, who was still on his feet preaching the Gospel as the plane hit the water.

Source Citation

I appreciate Franklin Graham’s recounting of this incident of a man ready to bear testimony just moments before the end of life. I had never heard of it. What a way to go! It illustrates powerfully how the Lord may call us to an instant and urgent task. Are we walking with Him and ready to do serve Him in ways such as this?

You can view an eight minute video summary of the facts of the incident in the History Channel YouTube video below.

Posted by Jim Holmes in Gospel, Spirituality, Worldview, 0 comments

Philip Henry and a Form of the Baptismal Covenant

A Form of the Baptismal Covenant from Philip Henry*

In our family devotions, we recently read the following from John Whitecross’ book, The Shorter Catechism Illustrated, Banner of Truth Trust reprint

Philip Henry drew up the following short form of the baptismal covenant, for the use of his children:

“I take God the Father to be my chief good and highest end. I take God the Son to be my Prince and Saviour. I take God the Holy Ghost to be my Sanctifier, Teacher, Guide, and Comforter. I take the Word of God to be my rule in all my actions, and the people of God to be my people in all conditions. I do likewise devote and dedicate unto the Lord, my whole self, all I am, all I have, and all I can do. And this do I deliberately, sincerely, freely, and for ever.”

This he taught his children; and they each of them solemnly repeated it every Lord’s Day in the evening, after they were catechized, he putting his amen to it, and sometimes adding, “So say, and so do, and you are made for ever.”

Online source citation

* Philip Henry, father of the Bible commentator, Matthew Henry, was a Puritan minister ejected under the Act of Uniformity 1662.


Posted by Jim Holmes in Heritage, Reflections, Spirituality, Theology, Westminster Standards, Worldview, 0 comments

More about the Secret!

Introducing Cheaper in Dozens

Cheaper_in_Dozens_square_small_logo_PNGA picture is worth a thousand words, or so the trite old saying goes. Therefore, if my math is correct, a video clip could be worth more like sixty thousand words.

My son, Matthew, aged eleven, has produced a one-minute video which introduces Cheaper in Dozens, a new initiative to make excellent books available on a sliding scale of discounted prices, with free shipping, sent directly to you from the publisher. There’s a long way to go, still, in this initiative, but the show is now, as people like to say, “on the road.”

View the one-minute video below, and also take a look at www.cheaperindozens.com. Then tell your friends about it, too!



Here’s an Approximate Transcript of the Video

I’m Jim Holmes. I love books, and because I love books and I’m passionate about reading, I’ve started www.cheaperindozens.com.

Cheaper in Dozens is a great new way for you to buy your books online. Everything on offer is faithful to the Bible. Everything on offer is at a discounted price. And everything on offer is sent to you shipping free!

How does it work? You just go online and see what’s available, and place your order. Your book gets shipped to you directly from the publisher.

My vision is to see people reading and enjoying books. So, if you are in a church or school, you can buy several copies of the same book at even greater discounts. Buy just one? That’s OK… Buy twelve? Well, the deal gets better. Books are cheaper in dozens! Buy 25, 50, 100 or 200? Wow, the individual prices just keep getting lower. Check out the table of discounts on each book and you’ll see what I mean.

This deal sounds too good to be true. So, what’s the catch?

There’s no catch. Just go online, browse, place your order, and get reading!

I’m Jim Holmes. Thanks for watching!



A Note about the Video Production

The video was produced using iPad technology, using the iMovie App, created by Apple. My son, who has figured out this technology, produced the video for me. I’m delighted with the result!

Posted by Jim Holmes in Family and Friends, New & Noteworthy, Publishing Books Today, Spirituality, Theology, Westminster Standards, 0 comments

Spurgeon: Joseph Attacked by the Archers

Joseph Attacked by the Archers

“The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him: But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel).” Genesis 49:23,24

Suggested Further Reading: Acts 4:1-12

“The stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner.” It is said that when Solomon’s temple was being built, all the stones were brought from the quarry ready cut and fashioned, and there was marked on all the blocks the places where they were to be put. Amongst the stones was a very curious one; it seemed of no describable shape, it appeared unfit for any portion of the building. They tried it at this wall, but it would not fit; they tried it in another, but it could not be accommodated; so, vexed and angry, they threw it away. The temple was so many years building, that this stone became covered with moss, and grass grew around it. Everybody passing by laughed at the stone; they said Solomon was wise, and doubtless all the other stones were right; but as for that block, they might as well send it back to the quarry, for they were quite sure it was meant for nothing. Year after year rolled on, and the poor stone was still despised, the builders constantly refused it. The eventful day came when the temple was to be finished and opened, and the multitude was assembled to see the grand sight. The builders said, “Where is the top-stone? Where is the pinnacle?” they little thought where the crowning marble was, until some one said, “Perhaps that stone which the builders refused is meant to be the top-stone.” They then took it, and hoisted it to the top of the house; and as it reached the summit, they found it well adapted to the place. Loud hosannas made the heavens ring, as the stone which the builders refused became the headstone of the corner. So is it with Christ Jesus.

For meditation: To begin with, man saw to it that the first shall be last; in the end God saw to it that the last shall be first. Where do you place the Lord Jesus Christ?

Sermon no. 17
2 April (Preached 1 April 1855)


365_Days_CHS_1_DS365 Days with C.H. Spurgeon, Vol. 1. A unique collection of 365 daily readings from sermons preached by Charles Haddon Spurgeon from his New Park Street Pulpit.

This series of daily readings makes use of Spurgeon’s sermons, edited, prepared and formatted for daily readings, by Terence Peter Crosby.

This book is published by Day One Publications, and is available here at a discounted price and with free shipping.

Posted by Jim Holmes in Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Spirituality, 0 comments

Not Quite As Much a Secret…


Watching This Spot

A month ago I recommended you watch this spot–this (Blog)spot–for further details on something that was a secret. It’s been engaging me intensively for the last few weeks, so my online presence has been quite diminished, at least in the blogosphere.

Box secret BlogspotBut the good news is this: I anticipate very soon to be able to open up the box completely, and to show you what is inside. In fact, for a box of this size, there is a lot for me to take out and show you. Inside it, there is a new way for you to think about how you may best use the kinds of resources that will enhance your understanding of the Bible, of God, and of His gracious works and ways. In fact, I think I’d rather take an extra week or two to get everything organized inside this box so as to be able to show it to you properly.

But, seeing as I am whetting your appetite a little in this post (and I am really excited about what I am working on!), let me at least spell out part of the mission statement of my new initiative:

[Name of Service] aims to promote and supply biblically based resources in higher-volume quantities at affordable prices, and to encourage people to read and live transformed lives to the glory of God.


What are some of the convictions that undergird my initiative? I like to spell it out in the following terms:

Cheaper_In_Dozens_Bunyan_quote(a) I am a Christian, persuaded of the Bible’s teaching, and aligned with the historic creeds and confessions such as the Westminster Standards;

(b) I am committed to a biblical ethos and model of publishing, and to the promotion and widespread use of Christ-honoring resources;

(c) I am persuaded of the place and value of reading, and to its ongoing usefulness for all faithful disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

(d) I have experience in editing, producing, publishing, marketing, and selling books, having operated discount mailorder businesses before, and having served for over ten years as director of publications and marketing for a UK-based publisher.

(e) In addition to commencing [Name of Service], I serve as a publishing consultant, operating a cluster of websites, including www.publisherpresentations.org, www.greatpublishing.org and www.greatwriting.org.

I’ll leave it at that. There is much more information coming your way soon!

Posted by Jim Holmes in New & Noteworthy, Publishing Books Today, Spirituality, 0 comments

Secret for the Time Being!


Launch Pending

I am not going into details at present, but anticipate being able to update you with an interesting development in the next few weeks. For the time being, consider this as being classified information that I’ll let out of the box below when I am ready.

Blogspot52_Favicon As the saying goes, watch this (Blog)Spot!


Box secret Blogspot



Posted by Jim Holmes in Biblical Creationism, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Current Issues, Family and Friends, French Christian Literature, Friendship, Heritage, Humor, Hymns, Interviews, New & Noteworthy, Publishing Books Today, Reflections, Sickness, Spirituality, Technology, Theology, Travel, Westminster Standards, Worldview, 0 comments

Military Ministry

Onward, Christian Soldiers!

With its rhythmic beat and stirring melody line, the hymn had great appeal for me when I was in elementary school. I considered it a favorite, even though I knew nothing, then, of the Captain of our salvation (Hebrews 2:10).

But there are other Christian soldiers–quite literally, soldiers (whether in the army, navy or air force)–who face the challenges of being deployed, often to regions of the globe that are remote, hostile, and fraught with challenges.

I expressed some sentiments on this matter in an earlier post, which you can review here. We should be grateful for all our military are doing!

Far from Home…

What is it like to be a soldier far away from home? Just because you are in the military does not mean you don’t feel challenged by the rigors of travel, relocation, and living in hostile and dangerous conditions. What are the implications for the spiritual life of someone who is in the military?

When my friend, Dr. Paul Tautges, consulting editor of the Lifeline Minibook series, an imprint of Shepherd Press, floated the idea of a small publication that could minister to the military, I was immediately excited. As he worked on the idea, Barrett Craig, a deployed navy chaplain, came on the radar as the right person to write it.

Barrett, a former marine and now serving as a deployed navy chaplain, has done a remarkable job in writing the mini-book. His enthusiasm is infectious. You’ll love observing his passion as he speaks in the two-minute YouTube video here.

Because of the remarkable nature of this opportunity to reach military folks and their families, Shepherd Press is inviting churches and individuals to become partners in the publishing program. You can read all about it here. You may also view and print a PDF sheet outlining the project and providing further details of how ordinary churches can become partners in this initiative, and supply high-quality mini-books for just one dollar each!


Posted by Jim Holmes in New & Noteworthy, Publishing Books Today, Worldview, 0 comments

Big, Bigger, Biggest


A World of Superlatives

Big_bigger_BiggestI love to view the world through the eyes of my eleven-year-old son. He fishes around on the iPad for interesting things, and something that has caught his attention is a series of ITV documentaries dealing with human endeavor–including the development of telescopes, tunnels, domes, and, just yesterday, he asked me to watch with him a documentary on large airplanes.


For scale, it is almost impossible to imagine how human beings can manufacture such objects as the ones shown in the documentary, especially in light of the fact that heavier-than-air flight is really not much more then a century old!

The Antonov 124 is one of the world’s largest cargo aircraft. It has carried everything from battle tanks to other aircraft all over the world. In this documentary, the story-line involves a train being loaded on board and flown from Germany to India.

This educational documentary invites you to uncover the technological leaps that enabled this and other aircraft to be built. You will be fascinated by insights into how other airplanes have also been built, each one an epoch-making accomplishment in its own day, and each of which has yielded its significance to a yet larger craft.

Enriched with computer animated graphics, this video (and others in the series) will engage your attention for about fifty minutes!

Coming back to my son… it’s a wonderful opportunity to teach him that all of life belongs to God; He made the environment that we inhabit. We are to subdue the earth, taking the principles of physics and chemistry and applying them in a relationally integrated and useful way. In this He is glorified; and in this, we are enriched.

“The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof.” Psalm 24:1

Since generating this post, I exchanged emails with Prof. Andy McIntosh, an expert in creation science as well as in aviation and aerodynamics. He pointed out that there is a larger sibling to this Antonov (124), the massive six-engined AN 225. In the screen below, you may view a 9-minute video of this giant lumbering gracefully into the air from Manchester airport in England. Thanks to Prof. Andy for this piece!

You may read more about Prof. Andy McIntosh, a member of the board of Truth in Science, here.

Also from Prof. McIntosh are the graphics at the end of this post, below the video link. Click the thumbnails to enlarge these high-quality graphics. Enjoy!


Image courtesy of Prof. Andy McIntosh


Image courtesy of Prof. Andy McIntosh


Image courtesy of Prof. Andy McIntosh


Image courtesy of Prof. Andy McIntosh

Posted by Jim Holmes in Technology, 0 comments

A Knotty Problem (from My Son)


Tied up in Notts

My son, aged eleven, has a set of magazines from the 1970s, and in this one he was recently reading to me, he came across an interesting word problem which is displayed in the following paragraph. Enjoy!

There was a duel and Fred Nott was shot. Stanley Shott was not, which shows that it’s better to be Shott than Nott. Some people said that Nott was not shot, but Shott swore that he shot Nott. So, either the shot Shott shot at Nott was not shot, or in fact Nott was shot. If the shot Shott shot shot Nott Nott was shot, but if the shot Shott shot shot Shott himself, then Shott would be shot and Nott would not be shot. But the shot Shott shot shot not Shott but Nott. It’s not clear who was shot and who was not shot, but we do know which one was Shott and which was Nott.

Posted by Jim Holmes in Humor, 1 comment

Justification by Faith

Imputed Righteousness

colinmercer-03Notes from a sermon by Colin Mercer, Sunday evening February 1st, 2015

I am thankful for a ministry that is faithful to the Word of God. Here are some notes, necessarily brief, that I jotted down as I listened to Pastor Colin Mercer preach from Romans 5:19. The whole sermon may be viewed below.

People are without strength; Christ saves such. People are under God’s wrath. It is only the mercy of God that keeps us out of hell. The psalmist is clear: God is angry with sinners every day. Well did Job ask a question such as this: “Is there any way for a man to be right with God?” Romans 5:19 is clear that we can be justified, but not by any merit of our own. Our righteousness is as filthy rags. Therefore, we need the righteousness of Another–the Lord Jesus Christ.

1. Jesus Christ Has a Perfect Righteousness

This is a personal righteousness on account of His obedience–all He has done, and all He has suffered. Hebrews 7:26, He is holy, harmless and undefiled, separate from sinners. His obedience is both active and passive. His righteousness has been acknowledged and accepted by the Father. God is pleased with what Christ has done. It is a satisfying righteousness.

It is His forever–an everlasting righteousness, one that abides with Him. Hence, Jeremiah could speak of the LORD our RIGHTEOUSNESS, Jehovah Tsidkenu.

 2. The Perfect Righteousness of Christ Is Imputed to Sinners

God places our sins to His account; He punishes these sins in Him. See the Westminster Shorter Catechism on Justification*. It is counted as if that righteousness belongs to us. It is an act of God’s free grace. It would be fair for God to condemn us–but God…! It involves all of Christ’s righteousness–all of His merit, not just some of it–to our account if we are a believer. It is at once–it is an act, not a work (not “some now, some later”); not gradually. Horatius Bonar wrote of this. And it is received by faith alone (Romans 5:1). It cannot be taken from a believer. We are robed in His righteousness (Isaiah).

3. The Perfect Righteousness of Christ Secures Eternal Blessings for the Believer

All his sins are completely and forever pardoned. A quote from Richard Sibbes. God looks on us and sees the righteousness of Christ. We have the riches of His grace. We can rejoice in every trial, without fear, notwithstanding the Devil’s accusations or insinuations. I can face life and death without fear. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. We can come to the judgment seat in the all-sufficiency of Jesus.

* Q: What is justification?
A: Justification is an act of God’s free grace, wherein he pardoneth all our sins, and accepteth us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone.

The video below is made available courtesy of www.sermonaudio.com


Posted by Jim Holmes in Spirituality, 0 comments